Infrastructure Communication Systems
Providing vital communications for vital services
Customizable solutions for safety-related infrastructure
Each dam, water treatment plant or industrial tunnel presents its own unique challenges. The one thing that is common throughout is the critical need to communicate with employees and track their locations while underground. These are some of the most incredible, and massive facilities that help our cities and states operate and the need to Stay Connected during the build, maintenance and repair phases of the projects cannot be understated.

- State-of-the-art distributed antenna system technology
- Multi-channel radio communication technology with patented Ultracomm® 150 – 170 MHz VHF, 450 – 500 MHz UHF radio coverage and range
- Base Interface unit with repeaters and network interface, cable splitters, amplifier units and point antennas
- Amplifier with Automatic Gain Control (AGC)
- TRCentral Tracking system for personnel and asset tracking
- Triple Reader monitors 3 zones concurrently
- High-power RFID tag units
- MultiHop™ Tracking Readers for complete wireless mesh network
- System Monitoring and Diagnostics Software
Brochures & Product Sheets
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